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Local Jumbo Sweet Chiku, 500g

(5 customer reviews)

Regular Price RM10.00 incl.VAT

Type: Naseberry AKA Chiku

Unit: 500g

Country: Malaysia

Out of stock

SKU: FREX0008 Categories: ,

Benefits of eating Chiku:

  1. Aids weight loss
  2. Improves immunity
  3. Aids digestion
  4. Protects heart health
  5. May improve lung health
  6. May prevent premature aging
  7. Improves vision
  8. Helps maintain bone health
  9. Benefits pregnant women
  10. May protect against cancer

We offer more than Vietnam Chiku and you may always request a fruit brochure from us through WhatsApp.

You may find interested to our Starfruit Malaysia, Nangka Fruit & Fruit Flower Set

We might not be able to update the product availability on time, if you find it out of stock, please WhatsApp us for latest stock update – WhatsApp Mr.Nick

5 reviews for Local Jumbo Sweet Chiku, 500g

  1. Lily

    Fruit packed nicely and carefully made. Thanks seller for your good efforts. Fresh and clean.

  2. Iman

    Ciku telah diterima dalam keadaan baik dan dibungkus dengan rapi. TQ Seller!

  3. Julian

    Nice chiku. Second time purchase. Kids enjoying very much.

  4. Ah Meng

    Good customer service, fresh chiku, thank you

  5. Tang

    Fast delivery. Very reasonable price.

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