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South Africa Navel, 5 pcs

Regular Price RM15.00 incl.VAT

Type: Patensie Navel

Country: South Africa

Unit: 5

Size: 64


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The taste of a Navel orange is rich and sweet, with a hint of fresh raspberry. On the outside it has a tough, shiny, orange skin that is divided into segments.

Nutritional Value:
• Cholesterol-free
• Fat-free
• 16% daily fibre needs
• More than a day’s worth of Vitamin C

Health Benefits:

1. Promotes Heart Health

With its high fiber & potassium levels, oranges are an excellent source for heart heath, giving you 16% of your daily requirement with just one medium-sized piece.

Dietary fibre is important for keeping your bowel movements regular and can also bring other benefits:

• help maintain a healthy weight
• lowers your risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and certain types of cancer
• they also contain phytonutrients that may aid in lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease

2. Offers Antioxidant Properties

Oranges are great for your skin and provide many benefits including being a powerful antioxidant and promoting healthy skin. They are also important in the production of proteins necessary for healthy, blooming skin.

Vitamin C contributes to collagen production. Collagen supports the skin and protects cells, promotes wound healing and improves skin strength.

3. Aids in Maintaining Good Blood Pressure

Oranges are naturally low in sodium and a great source of vitamin C and potassium. Eating an orange every day can also help you maintain a healthy blood pressure by keeping your salt intake low.

To reduce a person’s risk of blood pressure, they need to increase their potassium intake. Potassium is important and positively associated with lowering blood pressure, as well. This can support better relaxation of blood vessels, which in turn lowers the risk for stroke.

4. Lowers the Risk of Cataracts

An average orange provides around 8% of the RDA of thiamine, one of the B vitamins, for female adults and 6% for males. Some studies suggest that people with high intake of thiamine are less likely to develop cataracts.

5. Helps in Preventing Birth Defects

Folate is one of the more important B vitamins, which can be found in oranges. Its synthetic form, known as folic acid, is important in fetal development and can prevent neural tube defects. That’s why it’s especially important for pregnant or expecting mothers to make sure they’re getting enough.

How you can enjoy oranges:
Oranges are the fruit that can be added to so many amazing recipes, try the below and enjoy the flavours:
• Fresh, straight from the fruit bowl or chilled from the fridge
• Chilled fresh juice or orange lemonade
• Added to your salad or accompanied by other Gofruits in a healthy fruit salad
• As a topping for fish or chicken
• In cakes, tarts, marmalade, fruit kebabs, Asian cooking, yogurt
• With your breakfast cereal

We offer more than Valencia orange and you may always request a fruit brochure from us through WhatsApp.

You may find interested to our Navel Orange, Sunkist Cara Cara Orange & Fruit Flower Set


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