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Sunkist Cara Cara, SA, 5 pcs

(3 customer reviews)

Regular Price RM13.00 incl.VAT

Type: Sunkist Cara Cara

Country : (SA)

Unit: 5 pieces

Size: Small

Out of stock

SKU: FRCT0004 Categories: ,

Cara Cara Oranges are a crossbreed of Washington Navel Oranges and Brazilian Bahia Navels. Once the orange blossoms are pollinated, seedless oranges with red or pink flesh and an incredibly sweet citrus flavor will be created.

What is Sunkist Cara Cara Orange?

  1. They’re unique. Cara Cara Oranges are fun and different because they’re pink or red on the inside, with a skin that looks like regular oranges. They’re unlike any other orange!

  2. They’re similar to grapefruits. They are a citrus fruit, but with a light pink exterior and pink flesh. However, they are 100% orange and nothing like grapefruits! In the meantime, these Cara Cara Oranges have such a great natural flavor that you don’t need to add any additional sugar like you would with other citrus fruits.

  3. You don’t have to pucker up! These oranges are much sweeter than other citrus as they lack the sour taste.

  4. The Cara Cara Orange has sweet berry flavors to taste. Cara Cara Oranges are a perfect example of variety in flavor. Compared to other oranges, they have less of an acidic taste and more berry-like flavor.

  5. These oranges are sweet, juicy, and slightly astringent. Every time you squeeze one of these oranges, delicious juice is secreted from it. Squeezing oranges for juice is easy and saves you the trouble of getting them from unknown sources and spending money on them. Moreover, you get to enjoy a fresh, home-made drink at the comfort of your own home.

We offer more than Sunkist Cara Cara and you may always request a fruit brochure from us through WhatsApp.

You may find interested to our Valencia Orange, Navel Orange & Fruit Flower Set

3 reviews for Sunkist Cara Cara, SA, 5 pcs

  1. Fadzrul

    Sunkist cara cara orange taste awesome. Thanks gofruit for the fast delivery.

  2. Hassan

    cara cara orange ni sedap…recommend

  3. M. Jun

    Order received within expected time frame. 2nd purchase from this seller.

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